and my hilariously beautiful life...

Friday, December 10, 2010

I am not a bimbo. I am not a bimbo. I am not...

"Well, nothing was the same when you were away..." - Captain Von Trapp (Sound of Music)

     Perhaps I've never been the pinnacle of organization, but really, am I as utterly dippy as my actions as of late could lead me to believe?
     Leaving the keys in the outside door overnight?  Ok, I can retrace my steps on that one pretty well.  Arms loaded with groceries and a toddler, I approach the front door, drop a couple of bags near the entrance, take keys out of my mouth, unlock door, herd children into the living room, unzip their coats and go back to car for the rest of the bags...  enter door again to discover two-year-old is missing.  Frantically search upstairs, basement and storage ottoman (his favorite hideout) only to realize he escaped out the side door into the dark and vast snow covered yard.  Barefoot target located and held hostage, I head back into house and close and lock both exits... Grandma knocks on front door next morn, holding my keys, going on about how me being in my twenties makes her feel better about her forgetfulness at seventy something...
        Alright, so that one is somewhat understandable.  But, leaving the keys in the ignition, WITH THE CAR RUNNING AND UNLOCKED as I merrily drool my way through the aisles at  Hobby Lobby, in FLINT for TWO HOURS!? Ashamedly, I was alone with no toddler to blame... That one made me question my sanity (not to mention stand in awe of God's miraculous protection).  Searching for answers as to how such a thing could happen, I pondered  the sleepless night spent battling the possessed smoke detector (Note  - Buy the cheapo alarm.  You do NOT want the talking CO/smoke test-once-a-week-at-random-it's-better-because-it's-ridiculously-expensive detector - It's pure evil.), and the stress that comes with moving into a new house, homeschooling, running a business, and single-handedly preparing for Christmas.  But, let's face it, I've fried bigger fish before, with a respectively clear head even...
     What makes this time different? It's the grace factor.  I don't know how to explain it.  Previously, every time my husband and I have had to separate in order for the Gospel to be announced in the uttermost parts, there has been this strange sort of peace and easiness about his absence.  Sure we all missed him, but there was an excitement of "roughing it" by ourselves.  I call that peace, "the grace factor"
         Well folks, the exhilaration is gone, and I want my husband back.  Is the sacrifice worth it?  Without a glimmer of a doubt, YES.  I'd do this for five years if I knew people were getting to hear about Jesus because of it.  But, what I really feel, is that, God is moving us in a new and wonderful direction, to a place where we can travel together, as a family, making an even greater impact on the world. There's a stirring in my heart, distracting me at all times, causing me to... leave keys in the ignition, and place dirty socks in the refrigerator and the milk on the washing machine, and all the unmentioned absent minded things that I'll discover later.  It's there.  It's constant.  It's unmistakable, unshakable.  He wants us to go as a family. No financial burden will stand in the way, no excuses.  It's big, to have your family travel like that for the purpose of evangelism.  I only know one other living human who has done it (besides us, on occasion).  I say, "What the hey!" Pioneers make the way easier for others to follow in their footsteps, and I'm not only willing, I'm happy to do it. Future generation of evangelists, You're welcome!  Christina and Michael Lusk love you!

Dream big,

Christina Not Nearly As Arrogant As I Probably Sound Lusk

P.S.  This is the one other human I was referring to.  Thank you Dr. T.L. for your inspiration. We love you dearly.


  1. I love you!

  2. Wow. It`s awesome to hear you saying that. We know it will be a pioneering effort. Hopefully, you`ll become less carless as we age. I am with the Adrians now. They send their love.

  3. It will happen! I love you and your spirit... and your hilarity! :)


  4. Yes, you can and you will travel as a family!!


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